Oiche Maith a gach duine agus Cead Mile Failte Romhat. Good evening everyone and a hundred thousand welcomes.
Welcome everyone to our first general membership of the New Year. 2025. We have had a wonderful 2024 year that was compiled with wonderful activities and new refurbishments to our beautiful clubhouse. I look forward to what 2025 has in store for us. Already it is starting off to an extremely busy time of the year. Our Nollaig na mBan (Women’s Christmas) event was a huge success. Sincere thanks to Sheila Olcott and her amazing crew for organizing such a wonderful event. Thanks to Amy Lacey for coordinating the knitting activity which is scheduled to resume soon.
Although our clubhouse is relatively small, through teamwork and collaboration, we are utilizing the space to suit everyone’s needs so that all members can participate in the various ventures that occur here on a regular basis. Thank you to all of the committees for working together toward a common goal which is promoting Irish culture through the various activities that our club has to offer.
Just a friendly reminder that members must sign in guests each time they come to the clubhouse. The board wants each member to feel comfortable at the club but please clean up after yourself if you bring in food. Our clubhouse is completely run by volunteers who give us many hours to keep our surroundings clean and comfortable.
I am looking forward to seeing what 2025 has in store for us.
Go raibh Mile maith agat (Thank You).
Noeleen Nelson